Up to $150,000 in New Funding Dedicated to Healthy Aging Research

Among older adults, the rate of persistent musculoskeletal pain ranges from 40% to 60%. And yet, people in this group remain vastly underrepresented in clinical research. This is something the Canadian Chiropractic Research Foundation (CCRF) seeks to help change by dedicating its newest Request for Proposals (RFP) to Healthy Aging with up to $150,000 in new grants available.


“The Silver Tsunami is here. Almost 40% of Canadians today are over 50 years of age,” points out CCRF chair, Dr. Nadine Ellul, referring to the growing wave of senior adults who are reaching and surpassing mid-life. “Both the World Health Organization and the United Nations have named 2020-2030 the Decade of Healthy Aging. Our goal through this call is to support this work by making investments that can bring exceptional value to mature patients and the healthcare professionals who serve them.”


“The older our population gets, the more their suffering can increase due to the negative impacts magnified in this population. This, in turn, has a direct impact on their safety, mobility, pain management, their ability to enjoy life and maintain independence,” says Dr. Richard McIlmoyle, CCRF’s Research Committee chair. “Through this RFP we want to demonstrate our commitment to evidence-based research addressing social, economic and health issues by inviting proposals that address topics related to healthy aging. Areas of interest include – but are not limited to – safety, rehabilitation, utilization, sports and aging in place.”


This substantial opportunity is open to researchers and clinicians of chiropractic and adjacent healthcare fields who meet the eligibility requirements and have developed proposals that reflect CCRF’s commitment to excellence, impact and outstanding value.


 If you have a dynamic project idea, CCRF invites you to submit your Letter of Inquiry by 11:59 pm, Thursday, November 16th, 2023. For guidelines, submission details and FAQs, please visit our website.  


Grants for are made possible through the generous support of private donors, corporate partners and not-for-profit partners, the Canadian Chiropractic Association (CCA) and Provincial Associations, representing clinicians from across the country. Their commitment to evidence-based national research is greatly appreciated.

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