Frequently Asked Questions

An RFT, or Request for Tender is an open invitation to qualified research teams to submit proposals to provide a specific service or address a specific scientific research question. RFT requests offered by CCRF include the context for the request, eligibility requirements, objective and scope, instructions and formatting information, evaluation and acceptance conditions as well as a timetable of important project milestones. Open RFTs can be found on our website and project criteria can be downloaded here.

We strongly recommend that applicants download and review the criteria carefully, prior to submitting their proposals.

CCRF offers RFTs at regular intervals. Notifications can be found on our website homepage. Further information can be found under Grants>RFTs on the dropdown menu.

All researchers in good standing with their professional associations. Please note:

  • Lead researcher or investigator should possess a PhD
  • Lead researcher or investigator should be a Canadian citizen
  • Applicants must confirm their employees, officers, associates and/or approved subcontractors do not and will not have any conflict of interest (actual or potential).

Applicants may benefit by considering the following preferred, but not mandatory, criteria:

  • Research team’s amount of (a) international and (b) cross-professional involvement
  • Research team’s inclusion of Early Career Researchers
  • Research team’s commitment to EDI best practices in research team selection and engagement

CCRF staff is pleased to provide administrative assistance upon request. Proposal content is the sole responsibility of the applicant.

Submit your proposal by email to info@chiroresearch.ca. If email is not possible, please contact us at (416) 585-7902 ext. 238

Proposals, cover letters and other correspondence can be addressed to The CCRF Research Committee

CCRF’s Research Committee reviews every submission that meets RFT criterion utilizing a proprietary assessment tool to choose the team most qualified and capable of fulfilling the terms of the RFT in a timely manner.

Research Committee recommendations will be made to the CCRF board, who have final decision-making authority.

Subsequent to evaluating the proposals, CCRF may request selected Applicants to meet with the Research Committee and/or Executive Director.

Historically, successful proposals demonstrate excellent value for money, fresh insights and strong relevance to the advancement of the chiropractic profession and patient care. Within this context, interdisciplinary and international projects are welcomed.  

CCRF’s Research Committee favourably views submissions that offer (1) other confirmed sources of funding and (2) strong financial and/or in-kind support from the applicant’s academic institution. This is particularly relevant for projects with larger budgets and/or extended timelines.

Proposals are assessed by our volunteer Research Committee (RC) and an independent scientific reviewer. They are supported by CCRF’s Executive Director and Marketing and its Communication Specialist.

Questions should be provided (a) in writing by email to info@chiroresearch.ca, (b) be received by CCRF before January 9, 2024 and (c) reference the specific RFT section and (d) include Applicant’s contact information.

If CCRF considers an answer to the question may assist in the preparation of proposals by all applicants, CCRF will post an addendum on its homepage and add it to the RFT Submission Details. CCRF may not answer a question if CCRF considers the information requested is not required, or where the answer to the questions posed may be found in the RFT.

CCRF may, at their discretion, request additional data, discussions, presentations or on-site visits in support of the proposal, all without obligation to provide other RFT recipients with similar information or notice of such communication.

Additionally, CCRF reserves the rights to implement appropriate due diligence processes to confirm or clarify any information provided, or to collect more evidence of managerial, financial or technical abilities.

The Research Committee appreciates each submission is unique and important outcomes can be delivered through a variety of investments. However, submitters are encouraged to focus on expenses directly related to project execution.

Capital expenses, like travel, technology or equipment, may be considered given suitable justification.

CCRF will provide succinct written feedback to unsuccessful RFT proposals upon written request.

  • Academic institution administrative and/or overhead costs 
  • Scholarships & Academic positions
  • General fundraising campaigns
  • Endowments
  • Partisan political activities
  • Emergency needs
  • Religious activities

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