Help Fundraise

Every Dollar Makes A Difference

There are as many different ways to help us raise money for chiropractic research as there are Chiros in Canada. That’s about 9,000 – maybe more!

The money you donate will help decode Canada’s #1 health problem. 

And the best part? You get to decide how you’ll raise money. How much you want to raise. And who you’ll share your fundraiser with so you can all raise even more.

You’ll be amazed by how little friendly competition can make each dollar earned that much sweeter.

Fave DIY Fundraisers

  1. Donate your birthday or another special occasion. Let’s face it. Most of us don’t need more stuff. Why not invite friends, family and loved ones to make a donation to CCRF on your behalf. You’ll feel the love, get a tax receipt and help relieve someone else’s pain at the same time. Wow, that’s 3 gifts in 1!
  2. Do you work at a chiropractic clinic or are you a patient? What about challenging another Clinic or patients and staff and raise money by seeing who can walk or run the farthest, bake cookies, sell masks, collect empty bottles and cans. When you donate, be sure to let us know so we can feature your team in our next announcement.
  3. Roll your coins, donate your Swear Jar.
  4. Hold a virtual raffle on Facebook or Instagram.
  5. Have a garage or garden sale. Cleaning out your basement, garage or garden might have you thinking about a trip to the chiropractor. With a single click, you can donate your proceeds and help researchers discover faster, easier ways to relieve back, neck and shoulder pain.
  6. Include CCRF on your wedding or gift registry.
  7. Hold a Facebook Fundraiser:
  8. Have a fitness tracker? Most trackers have the built-in ability to compete with people in your network. Collect pledges as you compete to reach your goal. Will you count steps, stories, miles or laps? Or choose a distance like a virtual marathon, the length of the El Camino Trail or the Great Wall of China? Maybe you’ll cycle the Tour de France or swim to Alcatraz. While you and your crew get fitter and healthier, the pledges you collect and donate to CCRF can help fund projects that help people with back, muscle and nervous system problems return to work faster.

The Canadian Chiropractic Research Foundation (CCRF) is a registered charity: 11885361 3RR0001. All donations over $20 are eligible for a tax receipt.

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