CCRF Celebrates Canadian Research Innovation with 5 New Project Grants

CCRF Celebrates Canadian Research Innovation with 5 New Project Grants

TORONTO, September 23, 2021 – The Canadian Chiropractic Research Foundation (CCRF) has awarded five new national grants to Canadian-led research teams. This latest round of grants brings CCRF’s overall investment in Canadian chiropractic research to over $850,000 since it began funding individual projects in late 2019.

“These new projects will expand the footprint of chiropractic research and forge new collaborations with allied healthcare teams, in Canada and around the world,” says CCRF Chair, Dr. Chad Kulak.

Dr. Richard McIlmoyle, CCRF’s Research Committee Chair, was deeply impressed with the number and calibre of applications they received. “Canada is home to some of the best and brightest chiropractic researchers in the world. We knew that. But so much of what we saw in this round was new – new ideas, new technology and international collaborations as well as submissions from new institutions, practicing clinicians and post doctoral students. That’s really exciting.”

Under the direction of its volunteer Research Committee, CCRF issues semi-annual Requests for Proposals (RFPs); a general call in the spring, followed by a more focused opportunity in the fall.

“A rising tide floats all boats,” Dr. Kulak adds. “This grant cycle is a prime example of how funding chiropractic research on a national scale advances knowledge and collaboration across the profession. That’s why we’ve chosen to make Early Career Researchers the focus of CCRF’s upcoming Fall 2021 RFP, to perpetuate this positive momentum.”

CCRF’s Board of Directors is proud to award funding to these five projects:

Title: Does the use of paramedical health services influence the care trajectory of patients with chronic spinal pain?

Award: $12,060

Lead: Dr. Marc-André Blanchette, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières (UQTR)

Impact: This project will provide valuable information for clinicians to improve care for chronic spinal pain patients; for professional colleges/associations to improve practice guidelines; and for decision-makers who need evidence to help determine optimal use of paramedical healthcare.

Title: The development of a global tracer indicator to measure effective coverage for rehabilitation of low back pain

Award: $29,800

Leads: Dr. Jessica Wong/Dr. Pierre Côté, University of Ontario Institute of Technology (UOIT). 

Impact: In partnership with the WHO, this project will develop a much-needed metric for rehabilitation of LBP from health care providers, including chiropractors. It will be used in high-impact global studies (like the Global Burden of Disease Study) to advance the goal for all people to receive high-quality services and rehabilitation for optimal health and function. This is the first research project of its kind led by university-based chiropractors in Canada.

Title: Identifying spine care needs, and perceived barriers to accessing evidence-based spine care in northern Manitoba: A Global Spine Care Initiative implementation project

Award: $45,000

Leads: André Bussières/Dr. Steven Passmore, Université du Québec à Trois- Rivières (UQTR)

Impact: Pimicikamak, Manitoba (Cross Lake First Nation) has a largely indigenous population with underserved spine care needs. This project will determine the nature and impact of spinal disorders in the community and identify factors which may to impact the community’s ability to adopt healthcare approaches intended to improve the health of its residents.

Title: Lived Experiences with Symptomatic Degenerative Cervical Radiculopathy: The Patients’ Perspectives

Award: $5,000

Lead: Dr. Joshua Plener, Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College (CMCC)

Impact: DCR is expected to increase in prevalence as our population ages. Understanding its biopsychosocial impact will improve patient-centered care and develop effective non-operative interventions which can be used in interdisciplinary healthcare settings. It will also inform future studies and lead to the development of a high-quality, evidence-based intervention protocol.

Title: Adaptation of chiropractic care in the aging population: exploration of the views and beliefs of chiropractors

Award: $15,200

Leads: Dr. Isabelle Pagé/Dr. Julie-Marthe Grenier, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières (UQTR)

Impact: This project will explore chiropractors’ perspectives on the clinical management, safety and effectiveness of chiropractic care for our aging population. This will be followed by subsequent studies to evaluate whether their beliefs are supported by evidence and whether other aspects should be considered. The CCRF would like to acknowledge the dedication of our Research Committee and thank the Canadian Chiropractic Association, our Provincial Association partners, and individual donors for their generous financial support.

About the CCRF

For more than four decades the Canadian Chiropractic Research Foundation (CCRF) has been funding chiropractic research. Today CCRF invests in national evidence-based research to improve health outcomes for the over 11,000,000 Canadians living with musculoskeletal pain and disability.

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