This year over 11 million Canadians will suffer with debilitating neuromusculoskeletal (nMSK) pain related to the back, neck, shoulder and nervous system. Its diagnosis and treatment are the largest expenditures for our healthcare system and the number one cause of lost wages. Yet people continue to suffer, making Canada the second largest consumer of opioids in the world. This makes nonpharmacological pain-relieving solutions more critical now than ever before.


That’s why the new collaboration agreement between the Fondation de Chiropratique du Québec (FCQ) and Canadian Chiropractic Research Foundation (CCRF) is so important.


“Chiropractors – as experts in nMSK conditions and treatment – are uniquely qualified to investigate, diagnose its causes and solutions,” said Dr. Jean-Sébastien Gélinas, Chiropractor (DC) and FCQ administrator.


Founded in 1992, the mission of the FCQ is to support and promote chiropractic research to improve the health of Quebecers, while the CCRF has been working on the front line of pain research for over 45 years, by investing in research that leads to improved access to safe and effective treatment for patients with nMSK-related pain and disability.


“This historic collaboration will see Canada’s leading chiropractic research organizations pool their knowledge and resources to develop critical research projects,” said CCRF board chair, Dr. Chad Kulak, “with the combined goal of improving patient outcomes, reducing the burden on our healthcare system and expanding the expertise of over 9,000 chiropractic practitioners in Canada.”

For more information on this and other chiropractic research initiatives, please contact the CCRF or the FCQ.

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