Future Forward’s Top 10 Reasons to Give

#8: Get Sustainable


Want a sustainable gift idea that’ll spread health and prosperity for years to come? Consider making a monthly contribution to CCRF’s Future Forward endowment!


Future Forward is the savvy gift giver’s secret to sustaining chiropractic research, by making your donation part of a perpetual funding engine created to drive ground-breaking research – like this study going on right now in Pimicikamak, Manitoba.


Dr. André Bussières and Dr. Steven Passmore are leading a landmark study to assess how chiropractors can best engage with the Cross Lake First Nation community to improve access to care. And CCRF is thrilled to report our initial grant has helped to attract other funders, including Health Canada, which brings project funding to about 15 times our foundation’s original investment! That means great value for every dollar generous supporters – like you – provide.


Need more reasons?


Make your Future Forward gift – starting at $10/month – from the comfort of home. That means no shopping, no holiday crowds or parking lots, no sizes or colours to decide, no returns and no wrapping paper!


Save money, save time, reduce waste – and sustain your profession. All at the same time!


Plus, make a monthly gift before Dec. 31st and we’ll match it – it’s like giving 2 gifts for the price of one! Oh, and don’t forget CCRF is a registered charity, so you’ll receive a receipt to pick up a healthy credit at tax time!  


Now that’s savvy and sustainable gifting at it’s finest.


So don’t wait. Please donate! http://ow.ly/tjun50M3SCg

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