CCRF Launches Future Forward Fund with Dr. Bryan Wolfe at the Helm

CCRF Launches Future Forward Fund with Dr. Bryan Wolfe at the Helm

TORONTO- “I had a great time recently sharing a few pics with friends from our grad ceremonies” laughs veteran chiropractor, Dr. Bryan Wolfe. “It got me thinking how great it would be if the progress we’ve made in chiropractic since I was in school could continue even after I retire. That’s why I stepped up as Lead Ambassador for the new Canadian Chiropractic Research Foundation (CCRF) Future Forward Fund.”


Launched in tandem with WillPower™, a legacy giving education program sponsored by the Canadian Association of Gift Planners, CCRF’s Future Forward Fund is focused on raising awareness about the positive impact of leaving a gift to charity as part of an estate plan.


“Our key objective is to give people a new way of thinking about donating to charity,” said Laurie Fox, Will Power™ Campaign Director. “A Will is much more than a legal document to distribute personal assets. It’s also a powerful tool to make change in the world.”


“I completely agree with Ms. Fox’s point,” says Dr. Wolfe. “I’ve been a chiropractor for over 35 years. Every time our profession has come to a crossroad, we’ve turned to research. And research has never let us down. By committing to a charitable gift in my will, I help guarantee funding for groundbreaking studies that can drive the type of change we want to see for both patients and chiropractors.”


“The work Canada’s researchers do is fantastic. Right now, teams are working on reversing opioid addiction, reducing E.R. and imaging wait times and bringing chronic pain relief to underserved populations,” Dr. Wolfe added. “And on a very practical note, a legacy gift is also a sound investment. Supporting a registered charity like CCRF can reduce and, in some cases, even eliminate estate and other taxes.  It’s a win-win for research and donors alike.”


Learn more about Dr. Wolfe’s story and the impact of the Future Forward Fund – contact him at or go to


CCRF has been Canada’s leader in national musculoskeletal (MSK) research for over 45 years. We support high impact, evidence-based chiropractic research by providing grants and developing partnerships outside the profession to improve capacity and population health.

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