5 things our research team is buzzing about

Now that chiropractic researchers are working with multidisciplinary research teams and health clinics in all major universities across Canada, the CCRF is welcoming its next big challenge: to develop and fund Canadian-based research projects that support effective treatment for everyone who suffers with spine, muscle, and nervous system pain and disability.

In October, the CCRF’s newly created Research Committee sent out a Request for Proposal to all Canadian-based researchers and teams. Now comes the tough part — deciding which applications to consider for funding before the big announcement on December 20, 2019.

We asked committee members to tell us about some of the recent studies they’re most excited about.

Here’s what they shared:

  1. Can access to chiropractic in primary care clinics reduce return visitsResearch Committee Chair Dr. Richard McIlmoyle offered this link to an ongoing project as a great example of how a relatively small study can have an impact on this population. In addition to the immediate impact on patient health, this line of research may hold the key to one of the most pressing health issues in our country today — truly universal access to healthcare.
  2. Which is more effective for persistent lower back pain? Regular chiropractic treatments for maintenance or sporadic appointments to treat symptoms? Peter Shipka shared this article because “it reaffirms what we see in our clinics and what patients have been telling us for years. Regular chiropractic care helps keep their lower back healthy and doing the things they love.”
  3. A look at spinal manipulation methods. Did you know that chiropractors use up to 150 different techniques to assess and treat lower back pain? This informative study, chosen by Aaron Puhl, compares two of the most used chiropractic techniques with standard medical care. “Patient preference always plays a role in which treatments we use, but it’s our job to help inform them,” Dr. Puhl points out. “This study gives us some data so we can get a feel for what is most effective without our own biases clouding the picture.”
  4. A therapy that can stop degenerative disc disease in its tracks. This article, provided by Kate Hood, explores a scientific advancement in treating one of the most common conditions seen by clinicians. “Given that we’re now dealing with increasingly better educated patients, I think it is required for chiropractors, if we are to really consider ourselves spine specialists, to understand new treatments on the horizon. Personally, I’m excited to see where future developments will take us,” she added.
  5. Income level can be a factor in musculoskeletal disabilityShawn Thistle comes to the Research Committee as the Canadian Chiropractic Association’s representative. He’s always on the hunt for insights, gaps in the current literature and opportunities to advance the chiropractic profession. This study introduces the idea that sociodemographic variables such as income level may have an impact on chronic spine, muscle and nervous system disorders. “Some associated risk factors for spinal disease are modifiable,” Dr. Thistle said, “and may be fertile ground for initiating community-based public health programs or research.”

From the lab to the treatment room, national chiropractic research is helping to improve the lives of patients suffering from musculoskeletal pain and disability. Please join the CCRF in supporting the next wave of dynamic research by donating here.

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