RFT to the end of Fall 2023

RFT Details for Fall 2023

CCRF is pleased to offer the Fall 2023 Request for Tender (RFT) to researchers and clinicians in the chiropractic and adjacent healthcare fields who meet the eligibility requirements.  Granting decisions will be approved by CCRF’s Board of Directors and will be based on recommendations by its Research Committee.

The purpose of this Project is to conduct an exhaustive systematic review of available literature to ascertain if there is an association between cervical spinal manipulation and ischemic stroke. Furthermore, if it is determined such an association exists, does the evidence support that the association is causal?

Prospective applicants are strongly encouraged to download CCRF’s complete RFT Submission Guide (link) and review the FAQs (link).

How To Apply

To ensure equal access for submitters and support timely grant awards, please make sure to review this Request for Tender (RFT), its eligibility criteria and FAQs thoroughly.

The following project delivery elements are meant as a guide. Applicants may make modifications, deletions or additions based on their background, knowledge and experience.

Please note: complete project information, eligibility and submission requirements are found in the downloadable RFT Submission Guide.

  • Identification and evaluation of existing related registry reviews and protocols
  • Definition of inclusion/exclusion criteria
  • Conduct comprehensive searches across all appropriate databases
  • Screen and select studies for inclusion using appropriate screening methodologies
  • Enter and extract data using appropriate software tools
  • Assess the risk of bias using appropriate software tools, which can be adapted as required
  • Present search strategies, method and results that can be replicated and updated in the future
  • Provide recommendations including ideas for future research
  • Ensure the following questions are answered as comprehensively as possible:
    • Is there an association between cervical spinal manipulation and ischemic stroke?
    • If there is an association, does the evidence support that the association is causal?
  • Ensure results are submitted for publication in a recognized, open-source, peer-reviewed journal.

Please be sure your submission contains:

  • Cover Letter: Identify the RFT description. Provide your name and organization’s name (as applicable), address, telephone number and email address. Identify the lead researcher or representative responsible for your proposal.
  • Table of Contents: List all topics and associated pages for easy reference
  • Profile & Background: If representing an organization, provide a brief introduction and overview of your organization’s or department’s background and profile
  • Conflict of Interest: Each proposal must include a confirmation that the Applicant, its employees, officer, associates and/or approved subcontractors do not and will not have any conflict of interest (actual or potential) in submitting its proposal, or, if selected, in providing services under the agreement. If applicable, the Applicant will declare in its proposal any situation that may be a conflict of interest or, if selected, with the contractual obligations of the Applicant as supplier under the agreement.
  • Privacy/Confidentiality: Provide policies, practices and tools for protecting privacy, confidentiality and security of information
  • Response: The Applicant must provide a clear and concise description indicating an understanding of the service, their role in the service, and an overview of how the Applicant will meet the service requirements
  • Team: Provide a summary of the professional team members and the resources available to execute the required work. Identify the number, availability, and roles of individuals intended to be assigned to perform the services and describe how they meet the required criteria and, as appropriate, preferred criteria, as outlined in Section 1
  • Resumes: Provide a resume of not more than three pages outlining education and work experience for each team member who will be involved
  • Addition Value Elements: Provide any additional information that would enhance your and/or your team’s ability to provide the service. This may include affiliations, specialized personnel or services
  • Previous Experience: Describe your or your organization’s experience related to the RFT request. Provide references that CCRF may contact as part of the assessment process (optional)
  • Timeline, Milestones & Budget: Outline major milestones and provide a projected completion date along with an itemized budget
  • Proposals must be received by 11:59 pm on Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Submission Instructions

  • A single PDF file containing the proposal and all supporting documents should be emailed to info@chiroresearch.ca no later than 11:59 pm on Tuesday, January 23, 2024
  • PDF files should be saved as “Proposal_lead submitter last name_institution_year.” (e.g., Proposal_Harris_University of Toronto_2024)
  • A confirmation email will be sent within 72 hours of receipt

Proposal evaluation is overseen and administered by the CCRF Research Committee and Scientific Advisor.

  • Every proposal that meets CCRF’s submission requirements is evaluated
  • The Research committee may request a conference with the team lead
  • All submitters will be notified of the status of their project prior to the decision announcement.

Who Can Apply

  • Be executed by researchers in good standing within their professional associations and meet all eligibility requirements:
  • Lead researcher must possess a PhD
  • Lead researcher must be a Canadian citizen
  • Contain confirmation the Applicant, its employees, officers, associates and/or approved subcontractors do not and will not have any conflict of interest (actual or potential).
  • Be conducted in accordance with Canadian legal, regulatory and ethical guidelines
  • Be eligible for publication in an accredited, peer-reviewed journal
  • Be received by the CCRF by 11:59 pm on Tuesday, January 23, 2024
  • Research team’s amount of (a) international and (b) cross-professional involvement
  • Research team’s inclusion of Early Career Researchers
  • Research team’s commitment to EDI best practices in research team selection and engagement

Important Dates

  • Proposals must be received by 11:59 pm on Tuesday, January 23, 2024
  • Applicant conferences with CCRF’s Research Committee and/or Executive Director to be scheduled February 26th-March 1st, 2024
  • Final RFT decision to be announced in late March 2024

Have a question?
Check RFT FAQs

For all other inquiries, please contact us at info@chiroresearch.ca

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